Friday, July 5, 2013

Good and Bad

I have gone completely off the wagon. For a while there I was doing really good with exercising and making a fair amount of progress with drinking, but over the past few weeks that has all gone to shit. I haven't done any exercising and have been drinking as much as I ever have. And I've basically been living off fast food.

There's been a lot of things happening, mostly really good ironically, that have distracted my from my resolution to be healthy. I need to find a way to balance these things I guess. And I'm going out of town for some business this next week. On one hand it's really exciting, but on the other I know I'm not going to be able to work on this stuff like I need to

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I didn't do very good with the drinking last night. I had decided that I was only going to have four beers, which is a number I'm happy with. 

I went over to a friends house to watch the Spurs and Grizzlies playoff game. He asked me before I came over if I wanted to pitch in on some beer. I told him no, that I was low on money and was trying to do better with the drinking. 

When I got there he handed me a beer, which is incredibly hard to say no to. I decided I would wait til the fourth quarter to have any and then only have two. I put the beer back in the fridge.

I was able to follow through with the game plan. I waited til the start of the fourth quarter. The Spurs won. I only had two beers. However, on the way home my willpower failed and I stopped to pick up a six pack.

So I went from planning on four beers to having ten. I should have known better than to start that early.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

About Me

I have lost a great connection that I once had. This blog will document me trying to once again achieve that connection, and then hopefully beyond. Also I will be sharing my interest, some of which include....

From Yoga to nutrition to exercise to massage therapy

Martial Arts:
From Aikido to Ninjutsu to basic self defense to MMA

Self Improvement:
From Meditation to Knowledge to NLP to Astral Projection

From Christianity to Buddhism to Spirituality

I share these in the hope of helping people find something they would consider useful. I also hope to find things that others share that will empower me and facilitate my journey.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dream 12-13-12

Had one of those stupid dog dreams again. A dog will incessantly attack my hand. He'll gnaw at it like crazy or just lock down on it and not let go. He doesn't really hurt me that much so it's not scary, but it is annoying as hell. It goes on for a while but for some reason my subconscious chooses not to beat the shit out of the dog, just grapple with it for control of my hand. Luckily this time it wasn't a dog I know. That made it less disturbing. Maybe because I usually know the dog is why I don't attack it directly.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Doing better with the alcohol, but not good enough. Today was crazy. It was looking like I might not be able to go to school this semester. Thank god for my uncle Bill. I'm taking a bit of a leap of faith here, hope everything works out.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hope I don't drink tonight. I probably will. I'm already wanting to.