Friday, July 5, 2013

Good and Bad

I have gone completely off the wagon. For a while there I was doing really good with exercising and making a fair amount of progress with drinking, but over the past few weeks that has all gone to shit. I haven't done any exercising and have been drinking as much as I ever have. And I've basically been living off fast food.

There's been a lot of things happening, mostly really good ironically, that have distracted my from my resolution to be healthy. I need to find a way to balance these things I guess. And I'm going out of town for some business this next week. On one hand it's really exciting, but on the other I know I'm not going to be able to work on this stuff like I need to

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I didn't do very good with the drinking last night. I had decided that I was only going to have four beers, which is a number I'm happy with. 

I went over to a friends house to watch the Spurs and Grizzlies playoff game. He asked me before I came over if I wanted to pitch in on some beer. I told him no, that I was low on money and was trying to do better with the drinking. 

When I got there he handed me a beer, which is incredibly hard to say no to. I decided I would wait til the fourth quarter to have any and then only have two. I put the beer back in the fridge.

I was able to follow through with the game plan. I waited til the start of the fourth quarter. The Spurs won. I only had two beers. However, on the way home my willpower failed and I stopped to pick up a six pack.

So I went from planning on four beers to having ten. I should have known better than to start that early.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

About Me

I have lost a great connection that I once had. This blog will document me trying to once again achieve that connection, and then hopefully beyond. Also I will be sharing my interest, some of which include....

From Yoga to nutrition to exercise to massage therapy

Martial Arts:
From Aikido to Ninjutsu to basic self defense to MMA

Self Improvement:
From Meditation to Knowledge to NLP to Astral Projection

From Christianity to Buddhism to Spirituality

I share these in the hope of helping people find something they would consider useful. I also hope to find things that others share that will empower me and facilitate my journey.